The geopolitical situation has significantly affected the transit business sector and introduced significant changes in the exchange of goods, logistics directions and market demand. Due to the introduced sanctions, the flows of goods are changing in Europe – a significant reorientation in the transport and logistics sector continued in 2024. In order to maintain cargo turnover or promote its stable growth, LSEZ “Terrabalt” SIA attracted new cargo groups, including strengthening cooperation with Central Asian countries and devoting intensive work to attracting cargo from the local region.
The port of Liepaja is the most direct route to Europe for Central Asian countries, which is provided by LSEZ “Terrabalt” SIA in cooperation with Stena Line, servicing the ferry line to Germany. In the involvement of other project cargoes, there is also interest in services according to the railway<->ship scheme.
Increasing potential cooperation opportunities, we would like to show you a small insight into the activities of LSEZ “Terrabalt” SIA in order to introduce you to our capabilities. The infrastructure is fully adapted to the handling of bulk and ro-ro cargo and passenger services. For cooperation opportunities, please contact any of our team of professionals, whose contact information is available in the “CONTACT US” section of the website.
Terrabalt – providing high-quality services at any time!
On January 13, 2025, a press briefing was held in the conference hall of LSEZ “Terrabalt”, during which both the LSEZ management and LSEZ “Terrabalt” SIA board member Āris Ozoliņš introduced the attendees to the results of 2024 and the planned challenges in 2025.
LSEZ “Terrabalt” SIA manager Ā. Ozoliņš emphasized that the biggest challenge this year is the start of the reconstruction of the ferry pier. “This is not just a story about the development of ferry transportation, but about its preservation. Pier 46 of the port was built 60 years ago and is physically and morally outdated. The reconstruction of the pier could increase cargo turnover by up to a million tons per year.”
In turn, 2024 was spent continuing stable operational development in cooperation with the ferry operator STENA LINE and other clients, including bulk carriers, which can be served at Berth 50. Also, in 2024, significant reconstruction projects were implemented in the passenger station building in order to offer space rental opportunities to several new cooperation partners in 2025.
The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has approved funding of €305 million for the implementation of transport infrastructure projects in Latvia, of which more than €6.9 million is allocated to the modernization of the Liepāja Port. The funding has been granted to the Liepāja Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Authority to carry out technical studies and construction works with the aim of reconstructing the Liepāja Port Pier 46, which is operated by the company “Terrabalt”, and serves ferries and ro-ro vessels.
The operation of the ferry terminal is a good example of how investing both public and private funds in infrastructure development can increase cargo turnover. No less important is timely risk management, minimizing their impact on cargo flow, attracting local cargo, which is based on close interaction between the port and manufacturing companies, as well as the closest cooperation – entrepreneurs, Liepāja SEZ Authority, state and municipal institutions”, admits Uldis Hmieļevskis, Manager of Liepāja SEZ.
The volume of cargo transported on the ferry line has increased significantly in recent years. If five years ago in 2019 there were 799,449.67 tons, 49,296 ro-ro units and 39,987 passengers, then in 2023 twice as much cargo was transported, 1,599,037.09 tons, while the number of ro-ro units was 97,419 and passengers 93,777. Also in the first half of 2024, the largest increase in cargo turnover in the port of Liepāja was provided by ro-ro cargo transported on the ferry line Liepāja – Travemünde.
The reconstruction of berth 46 will contribute to an increase in cargo turnover and the number of passengers, as the reconstruction includes not only the modernization of the berth, but also its extension and deepening, which will allow much larger ferries with greater capacity to enter the port of Liepāja. No less important – after the planned reconstruction, it will be possible to service 2 ferries at the same time at Pier 46.
Please note that the ferries will also operate on a holiday schedule this year-end. The ferry will operate on a regular schedule until December 23, 2024, and will resume its regular schedule on January 2, 2025.
Please see the holiday schedule in the table below or follow the current changes on the STENA LINE website:
On November 2-4, in the capital of Uzbekistan, in the city of Tashkent, the international transport exhibition TransLogistica Uzbekistan 2022 was held, in which, under the single brand VIA LATVIA, a delegation of the transport industry of Latvia also participated under the leadership of the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, co-chairman of the Latvian-Uzbekistan Working Group on Transport Uldis Reimanis. The Latvian stand at the exhibition was widely visited and received the Best National Group Exposition Design award.
Within the framework of the visit, a business seminar was organized for entrepreneurs of Latvia and Uzbekistan under the leadership of U. Reimanis and the co-chairman of the Latvian – Uzbekistan Working Group on Transport from the Uzbek side – Deputy Minister A. Muminov.
Opening the event, U.Reimanis emphasized: “Cooperation between Latvia and Uzbekistan in the field of transport has been developing very purposefully and dynamically this year. A delegation led by the Minister of Transport of Uzbekistan I. Makkhamov visited Latvia, a meeting of the Latvian-Uzbekistan Working Group on Transport was held, as well as several meetings of industry experts and entrepreneurs. All these events confirmed the readiness of the transport industry of our countries, as well as the ability to actively engage in the dynamic process of Eurasian transportation.”
After the seminar, a B2B contact exchange between entrepreneurs of Latvia and Uzbekistan was held, within which valuable contacts were established, and the Freeport of Riga Authority, the Freeport of Ventspils Authority and the stevedoring company of the Liepaja SEZ “Terrabalt” signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Uzbek side.
The significance of the event was also emphasized and covered by the mass media of Uzbekistan.
During the visit, during the meeting of U.Reimanis with Deputy Minister A.Muminov and Deputy Minister for Aviation Zh.Choriev, topical issues and opportunities for expanding cooperation, especially in attracting cargo for transportation along the Latvian transport corridor, were discussed.
As part of the Latvian delegation, representatives of the SJSC “Latvijas Dzelzceļš”, the Freeport of Riga, the Freeport of Ventspils and the Liepaja FEZ, the association of road carriers “Latvijas Auto”, the association of stevedoring companies of Latvia, as well as representatives of the management of several port terminals participated in the events.
Source of information:
From 15 August to 4 October, the military training cycle “Namejs 2020” of the National Armed Forces will take place throughout Latvia in order to test and improve the readiness of units to expand for the performance of national defense tasks both independently and within the collective defense system.
One of the training cycles from September 10 to September 13 will also take place in the territory of LSEZ “TERRABALT” LTD in previously agreed places. During the training, the National Guard will train to perform the tasks specified in the training scenario, during the performance of which training ammunition and combat imitation means may be used, which create noise but do not endanger human health and life. However, when unknown objects are found in the study places, it is forbidden to touch or move them.
We invite customers, cooperation partners, terminal visitors and guests not to worry when they see the movement of soldiers and land guards, deployment of equipment and taking positions in the territory of LSEZ “TERRABALT” SIA. Please treat with understanding the possible short-term difficulties that may arise due to the completion of training tasks or the movement of military equipment in the area.
In cooperation with Stena Line, a new transport connection on a multimodal route (rail + sea) has been launched, which is able to ensure competitive delivery times for the flow of goods from Russia to the European Union compared to land transport and makes a significant contribution to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly transport model.
For the purpose of restriction of the spread of COVID-19 virus, truck drivers in Latvia are asked to stop only at places related to transportation and basic needs (petrol station, toilet, shop, etc.), to avoid contact with people during loading and unloading, and keep a distance of 2 meters from other persons. If possible, please wear a face mask and gloves when outside the car.
Due to the state of emergency declared in the country due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we work as usual during the observance of the established additional protection measures. Let’s protect ourselves and the people next to us!