Travemünde – Liepaja – Travemünde (6 times a week)

Trevemunde Liepaja
16:00 15:00*
16:00 15:00*
20:00 19:00*
20:00 19:00*
23:30 23:30*
23:30 23:30*

For red color marked departure latest check-in time is Wednesday 23:00 (times are local)

* Arrival next day

Liepaja Travemunde
Dep. Arr. Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
15:00 12:00*
19:00 16:00*
19:00 20:00*
22:30 19:30*
22:30 19:30*
10:00 07:00*

* Arrival next day

Passenger registration and information about tickets and prices
Tel.: +371 636 22999

Cargo registration
Tel.: +371 636 07357

Liepaja’s Special Economic Zone stevedoring company TERRABALT is one of the oldest ship agency companies in the port of Liepaja. We cooperate with European companies engaged in passenger and general cargo, bulk and ro-ro cargo transportation between Liepaja and Europe.

© LSEZ Terrabalt SIA 2025, Reģ. Nr LV42103002309

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