The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has approved funding of €305 million for the implementation of transport infrastructure projects in Latvia, of which more than €6.9 million is allocated to the modernization of the Liepāja Port. The funding has been granted to the Liepāja Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Authority to carry out technical studies and construction works with the aim of reconstructing the Liepāja Port Pier 46, which is operated by the company “Terrabalt”, and serves ferries and ro-ro vessels.
The operation of the ferry terminal is a good example of how investing both public and private funds in infrastructure development can increase cargo turnover. No less important is timely risk management, minimizing their impact on cargo flow, attracting local cargo, which is based on close interaction between the port and manufacturing companies, as well as the closest cooperation – entrepreneurs, Liepāja SEZ Authority, state and municipal institutions”, admits Uldis Hmieļevskis, Manager of Liepāja SEZ.
The volume of cargo transported on the ferry line has increased significantly in recent years. If five years ago in 2019 there were 799,449.67 tons, 49,296 ro-ro units and 39,987 passengers, then in 2023 twice as much cargo was transported, 1,599,037.09 tons, while the number of ro-ro units was 97,419 and passengers 93,777. Also in the first half of 2024, the largest increase in cargo turnover in the port of Liepāja was provided by ro-ro cargo transported on the ferry line Liepāja – Travemünde.
The reconstruction of berth 46 will contribute to an increase in cargo turnover and the number of passengers, as the reconstruction includes not only the modernization of the berth, but also its extension and deepening, which will allow much larger ferries with greater capacity to enter the port of Liepāja. No less important – after the planned reconstruction, it will be possible to service 2 ferries at the same time at Pier 46.